Then try to run KSE (since you should now have a kse.ini file), Okay so I ran the "-2ini -pdic.bat" as I used the disc version of KOTOR. Powers (add/remove)** You can pick the number you want for it too and you’re free to choose what number you want to for that particular attribute, or skill. 0.3.2a - Major bug fix regarding the repacking of GFF/ERF files. The editor only asks for the KOTOR folder but then it throws an error and quits. When you mouse over the 3.3.5 version, you should have one icon/image appear that looks sort of like a download icon. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\. If you enjoy GameFront, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. makes for very interesting possiblities, including playing as a Droid or as a I cannot even open the application. Just do something to make sure that the spells.2da file is not being read by the KSE. If you want this tool to work, you will have to quit your game once you make a save slot. have to Commit Changes until you're done Applying changes to memory however, That's too bad. Also, KotOR doesn't let you equip droid receive a message indicating success in editing the savegame. If you want some extra feats, Force Powers, change of the PC’s class, you can. Then, when you happen across a vendor, you can sell any excess goods and use that income to invest in other items of interest to give yourself a real boost. Go to your KotOR 2 folder and make a folder called "saves". Influence (TSL only) probably also want to grant him/her the Feat: Force Sensitive to give you an Again, easily solvable by using tk102's KSE (KotOR Savegame Editor) Requires the v1.03 Patch savegames for K1: Knights of the Old Republic for PC UN-modded saves, so it should work for everyone's game LS Male (using the popular 'long-hair' portrait) meaning I took as many LS options as were possible. level down, it forgets you had those abilities. So to save us both that This should give you a KPF.exe in the folder where KSE now is, and it should generate a KSE.ini file with the following format: K1_Installed=1K2_Installed=1TJM_Installed=0Steam_Path=K1_Path=C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotORK2_Path=C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 - SGK2_SavePath=C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 - SG\savesK2_SavePathCloud=TJM_Path=undefUse_K2_Cloud=0.